Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Adjusting - 10/07/18

Today I met with Andrew to discuss all the plans I had made out following his instructions and as per usual, I came into the studio ready to work quickly and get things set straight away in order to use the time efficiently. However, this meeting proved tricky for me, as technology does not always work just like that, especially when you're trying to get a drone to do something it wasn't built for.

Overall I felt as today's meeting wasn't productive and ended with not much done and a lot to do before my next meeting with Andrew. But I do think this is me having to cope with some adjusting. I'm getting used to working with a collaborator who before volunteering for this project has had no experience of the art industry, and myself who has no experience of working with such an individual nor a drone before.

What I'm learning is, that like the technology I'm working with, this process is very unpredictable. As much as I can plan and plan and plan, I can only work as fast as the technology allows. This doesn't necessarily bode well when you are at university and subject to many time constraints. But at the same time as I am learning, the drone is also learning too. The drone is constantly searching for information, with its sensors and when receiving code etc, so for instance, when Andrew sends it a command that it doesn't understand, it won't ignore it and wait for the next command, it will constantly try to understand the original command. Therefore it takes a long time for the drone to learn what it's required to do, especially when the commands are unfamiliar with the drone. You can see in the video how the drone performs the take off and the flip command but any further commands Andrew tries, it struggles to do until Andrew is able to get it to land. In this video, I see the drone as the Practitioner, waiting for instructions from Andrew, who becomes the Director whilst I here become the Videographer. Having the drone as the Practitioner creates a different effect as it waits for  Andrew's instructions and but doesn't necessarily always follow them.

Hopefully, like me, the drone is a quick learner in order to perform in September. Maybe humans and machines aren't so different after all.

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